Sunday, June 25, 2006

When You've Got Something They Want

While, as per the norm, the weekend has been filled with stuptifying events and memoryless fun, it has also been an insight in to the world of an adult. Friday I had the opportunity to explore some apartment finding sites that were provided by my employer. By the time I woke up this morning, I had two messages informing me that they had received my submissions and were able to help me.

Here's how it works:
1. You select an area
2. You select the amenities
3. You select your price range
4. You send the info off to a finder's site

It then becomes their job to match your preferences with available locations. What's the catch? Nothing. The real estate companies make money from the leasing agents because they've referred a client. Me, the customer, pays nothing.

It's also been quite a surprise how nice real life homes are. After 5 years in the student ghetto:

The places available for the same amount of money are amazing. It's amazing how the world opens up once you leave the "bubble" that is Ann Arbor.

P.S. Karin Neubauer


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