Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blogging is for Losers (And Tom)

(Interspersed throughout this post, you'll see some photographs the leasing agent took of the unit I'll be living in.)

The most important development in my life: I'm out of money. Between a bar-fueled summer, no part-time work, and a stressed credit card, I'm flat out broke. Luckily, a pre-paid trip to Nashville this weekend will curb spending. (if that's even possible) Outside of being broke, life is grand. I've got an apartment, a job, and a cross-country moving plan.

On Wednesday, August 9th I'll load up my car and the U-Haul with my parents and drive back to Grand Blanc for the night. Early on the 10th, my mom and I will depart in my car making the 1300 mile trip to Houston, Texas. Soon after, my dad will depart in the U-Haul leaving my mom and I time in Houston to find the apartment, take care of the paperwork, and being the move-in. My parents will stay until Monday helping move, stock the apartment, and explore.

Look at this view! That's Minute Maid Park. It's a long tee-shot away.

To those in town, I plan on having a friend-fest at the Brown Jug on my last night in town. Tuesday, August 8th. 10PM. Brown Jug. Dress up like your favorite employee.


At 7/28/2006 11:55 AM, Blogger MJA said...

I miss you Brent. Your situation sounds very similar to mine; aren't moms wonderful? I'm broke too. I've been going over my monthly budget, and taking all of my payments against my monthly salary, I come out with $44 left over each month. Keep in mind there is no booze in this budget.

And I thought I was finished with Mohawk.

At 7/30/2006 3:47 PM, Blogger DA said...

Brent, your apartment looks really cool and I`m happy you decided to live downtown. I`m also happy you`ll be closer to your dad (David Carr). Good luck with the move and have fun at the brown jug. Treat it the way only the brown jug can be treated.

Live beyond your means.


At 8/01/2006 2:00 AM, Blogger jennifer said...

Wow. Everyone should definitely dress as me. Thanks for the visual shout-out. I miss your frienship already.


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